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Joint Pain Relief Bodybuilding

Q: I have been having some joint pain was wondering what the best product on the market would be to help alleviate some of the discomfort?

A: The first thing you should do is probably see a doctor and get a professional diagnosis. Second, I would advice you to increase you pre-workout warm out. Be sure to include some light cardio (5-8 minutes) and some static stretching. Also, try an over-the-counter anti-inflammatory. There are a variety of joint support products on the market. Many of these will give some support if they contain glucosamine or chondrotin. I recently injured my back (bulging disc) while preparing for NPC Nationals. I did not go to the doctor right away because I was focused on my competition (do as I say and not as I do, smile.) I started with an over-the-counter anti-inflammatory, which helped with the initial pain, but it kept coming back after each workout. Then I switched to a product called Releve. I saw a difference in the persistence of the pain in about three weeks. Why? Releve contains not only glucosamine, but also NAC, ALA, and IsoOxgene. This combination not only gives joint support but it helps repair joints and connective tissue, it reduces inflammation and muscle pain, it strengthens bones and cartilage, and the IsoOygene inhibitors give the product a sustained release property for immediate and long term relief.

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