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How to Make Stubborn Calves Grow

Q: My calves are my worst body part, I have been working my ass of but they don't want to get bigger, what can I do to make them grow?

A: If you are not genetically gifted with calves they are an S.O.B. to develop. If you are doing 4 to 6 sets they will never grow. What has helped me over the past year has been to shoot for more like 12-15 sets. Do at least 3 different exercises, and train with heavy weight for 8-10 reps as well as light weight for 15-20 reps. In addition, do at least 4 sets for the front of the calf (the anterior tibulas). Train them at least two times per week and if they are not sore try for three. This combination should help spark new growth in the calves.

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